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Taming Tessa (Montana Maiden Series Book 2) Page 10

  Grant ran his hand gently down her hair, over her cheek and lower to a breast, his knuckles caressing her slick, long nipple. Maura's eyes slid closed and she whimpered.

  "Maura loves to play with her nipples. Sometimes, when she's extra attentive of them, she goes into heat." The surprise on my face must have shown because Grant said, "Yes, Maura can go into heat from that alone. This time, it woke her up in the middle of the night. I love to see her nipples get bigger and longer so she wears nipple trainers every time it happens. Once they stretch as far as the trainer will make them, her heat tapers off. Doctor Graham provided her with nipple trainers the next size up, but we've been waiting for her next heat. They're very intense for her, so it's up to her when she's ready to put them on. But she can't come until she does, so it shouldn't be too much longer."

  He leaned down and kissed her neck as Maura fidgeted her hips, his fingers continuing to pull and tug on her slick tip. Gentle wouldn't begin to describe how Grant was with Maura. He was tender, loving, and attentive. I couldn't imagine the man implementing any kind of spanking or other discipline when he was so doting.

  "Do you want to touch them again?" he murmured down to his wife beside him. His voice was so soft, so concerned.

  Maura nodded. "Yes, please."

  "Very well." He dropped his hand. "Let me know if you need more ointment. I don't want them to chafe."

  Maura's small hands came up and cupped her breasts, catching each full nipple between a thumb and forefinger and pulling out, stretching them so they were extended out from her body. Releasing them, she covered them with her palms and moved them in circles.

  "I have to keep them coated with ointment when she's like this because she plays with them so much."

  Cole pushed his fingers a little deeper into my mouth to break my attention from Maura's hands.

  Jake came in, dropped down into the third chair by the fire with a sigh and a wicked grin. "Sorry Cole, Tessa, for not being here when you arrived."

  "Sounds like you were busy," Cole replied, a humorous lilt to his voice.

  Jake grinned. "Catherine took that big cork beautifully and we're having fun trying to close her back up. She'll be out in a minute."

  "Hello!" Sam called from the front door and he shut it with a slam behind him. "Where is everyone?"

  "In here," Jake replied.

  Sam came in, taking his hat off. "I thought we were here for dinner." He observed me with my mouth full, Maura playing with her breasts.

  "I think it's up to the two of us to get the food on the table. Everyone else is busy," Jake commented, glancing around the room. Maura was lost in her own little world, in a haze of pleasure and I was at the whim of Cole's fingers.

  "Looks that way. Where's Catherine?" Sam asked.

  "I left her sprawled across our bed recovering from a good ass fucking," Jake replied, looking rather relaxed himself.

  Sam gave a quick nod of acknowledgement but said nothing, as if it were a normal occurrence.

  "I'm starved, so help me before I gnaw on my arm," Jake said as he stood and slapped his brother on the shoulder. They left the room and I heard noises from the kitchen.

  "Do you like my fingers in your mouth?" Cole whispered, working his fingers in and out. I nodded and my tongue licked around and over the penetrating digits. "Look at Maura. See yourself. That's what you look like when your heat's overtaken you, although a hard cock is in your mouth. Do you want to play with your nipples like she's doing?"

  I shook my head. She obviously found great pleasure in her breasts, as did Grant judging by his hooded gaze or the hardness behind the placket of his pants, but I did not want my nipples to be so prominent. My breasts were large enough as they were.

  "Grant likes Maura's nipples like that, all big and a mouthful. Your breasts, your little pink nipples, Tessa, are perfect just the way they are. Besides, your heat comes from your mouth being filled." He nudged his fingers in deeper to bump the back of my throat and I moaned, my pussy clenching and a small gush of Cole's seed and my own juices seeped out.

  "The food's on the table. Join us when you can," Jake called from the other room.

  Cole pulled his fingers from my mouth, helped me to stand and led me into the dining room.

  Sam and Jake stood behind their places, Sam at the end of the table, Jake, at the other. Catherine came in then, wearing the same clothes as this morning, but with a very satisfied grin on her face.

  "Hello Cole, Tessa," Catherine said, her voice scratchy from, I assumed, her screams. Her dark hair was up in a proper bun, her blouse neat and crisp, but her skin was flushed a bright pink that extended down and across her full breasts. Her nipples were tightly furled and her eyes were heavy lidded and sleepy. If we hadn't heard her sounds of pleasure, it was obvious just looking at her what she'd been up to.

  "Is that smaller cork better, sweetheart?" Jake asked her quietly. He took her chin and tilted it up so she looked at him. I could see the adoration in her eyes.

  "Oh yes, Jake," she murmured.

  "All right, darlin'," Cole said. I knew he spoke to me because of the endearment. "On your knees and make us both happy."

  "Here?" He wanted me to suck his cock? How could I do it here with everyone around? They'd know what I was doing, if not watching outright.

  Grant led Maura into the dining room as I worried my lip. He held out her chair, then sat next to her. She continued to play with her nipples, her hands now coated in the slick ointment as well.

  Sam and Jake both sat, leaving the two of us standing. Cole pulled my chair out of the way, turned his to face the empty space, then sat down. "There's not enough room under the table like at Grant and Maura's yesterday, so you will do it here."

  He pointed to the space on the floor in front of his open knees.

  I glanced around the table. Catherine looked to her husband with dreamy eyes, her posture tall and a soft smile played upon her lips. It was as if they spoke to each other without words. Maura was lost in a haze just by tugging on her nipples. The four men all looked to me, watching. Waiting.

  "Before every meal, darlin'."

  "Catherine, sweetheart. Why should Tessa suck Cole's cock?" Jake asked.

  She slowly looked up at her husband. "Because it pleases him."

  Was that why Cole was doing this to me? Here, with his entire family watching, because it pleased him?

  "Really, Cole? It pleases you?" I wondered.

  "Teaching you to be a good cock sucker pleases me, Tessa. Having you do it before each meal is how you learn to get better, regardless of who's watching." He brushed his finger over the dried seed on my nipple. "I love seeing your efforts mark your body."

  "So by preventing me from cleaning it off," I pointed to my stained breasts, "it's not to humiliate me?"

  Cole shook his head and took my face between his two large palms. I had no choice but to look up into his dark eyes. "No, darlin'. You're trying so hard and I like to see that effort. Now, the food's getting cold. On your knees and suck me off. You can touch yourself and come if you wish."

  Sam reached for the potatoes as Jake filled Catherine's glass with water from a pitcher. Grant fed Maura a bite of carrot from his fork.

  Cole arched a brow, waiting. Dropping to my knees and sucking his cock would please him. Like Catherine said, if I pleased Cole, then he'd please me. Had he been doing that? Yes. Was it so bad to just do as he bid to make him happy, even in front of the others?

  I put a hand on the edge of the table and lowered myself down, glanced up at Cole through lowered lashes. He smiled at me and ran his knuckles over my cheek. Perhaps I truly did please him. I opened his pants and pulled his cock out, then leaned forward and took it deep. As I licked and sucked him, I listened to the men talking. My clit started to pulse and I felt my juices trickling down my thighs, so I worked my hand under my skirt and started rubbing myself.

  "Old man Jenkins died the other day," Sam said. The scrape of utensils was loud.

  "He was
practically a hermit," Jake added.

  "I hear he has a daughter as well as a widow," Cole said, his voice sending vibrations down into his cock. He placed his hand on the back of my head, using his fingertips to guide me as he wanted. When he went especially deep, I tried to remember to breathe through my nose and not panic, just like I'd practiced earlier.

  "No one's seen the daughter in years," Grant said. "She might be twenty or twenty-one by now."

  "Close to Tessa's age." Pulling my head off, Cole tipped my head up so I looked at him past the glistening tip of his cock. "Do you remember Becca Jenkins?"

  I was getting close to coming with my fingers circling my clit. "Oh, um...only from the school room. She had fiery red hair and never spoke. Shy. One year she just never came back, but I don't remember when exactly. I was still in braids and short skirts, so it was a long time ago."

  "Thank you. Now finish me off and come as you do so." Cole pushed me back down onto his cock, the meaty thickness of it filling me entirely. I choked, but took a deep breath and calmed myself. Resuming my fingers upon my clit, I drove us both higher. I came, deep shudders wracking my body as I just held his cock against my tongue. Once I caught my breath, Cole held my head in place as he shifted his hips up, fucking my face.

  "Jenkins' wife wasn't much older than the daughter, probably only five years or so. I remember she was a traveling minister's daughter who'd come through and the man married her off. Poor thing, being stuck on that ranch like that, married to Jenkins. What was he, seventy?" Jake asked.

  "At least," Sam murmured, but even I could hear a tone of anger in his words. "MacKenzie says neither woman will leave the ranch."

  "Two women all alone out there?" Grant asked. "Seems to me something's got to be done."

  Cole levered his hips higher, pushed my head down further so he was down my throat, making only small movements to rub himself there, but not pulling back. I felt his thighs tense beneath my palms and he came in endless streams of seed. I tried to breathe, tried to swallow, but I choked on his thick cock and couldn't take it all. My eyes watered as I tried to swallow his salty essence.

  He let go and I pulled my head back, catching my breath. Seed dribbled down my chin and onto my breasts, more than usual.

  I wiped my chin with the back of my hand but knew better than to clean up my breasts. The thick clumps of seed were milky white and hot against my skin.

  "You held me longer than ever, Tessa. You've pleased me."

  I looked up at him, surprised. "I couldn't take it all."

  He held out a hand to help me stand. It was embarrassing for everyone to see the seed upon my large breasts, but there would be no way to hide it, even when sitting and eating. "I come so hard, so much when you do that."

  "Did you see how Tessa did that, sweetheart? Perhaps some meal I'll have you try that," Jake told Catherine, who looked eager to do anything with her husband.

  "No, you didn't take it all," Cole said, adjusting himself back into his pants, then turning his chair. "But someday you will. In the meantime, I get to show off your efforts." He grinned at me, clearly pleased. He picked up his glass of water and took a deep drink.

  "You looked real pretty down on your knees, Tessa," Sam said. "Would you like some potatoes?"

  Talking about sucking cock and a helping of dinner in the same breath was uncommon and strange, but it was definitely how things were to be, so I just took the chair that Cole put in place behind me and held out my plate to Sam. The fact that I had copious amounts of wet seed on my exposed breasts was completely irrelevant, and acceptable.



  I loved seeing Tessa all prim and proper eating her meal with my family. She had such ladylike and dainty manners. When she was sucking my cock she was anything but prim and proper, anything but ladylike. Seeing my seed in thick ropes drying on her bountiful breasts proved it. Keeping it there only made me feel even more possessive, even more enthralled with her. She was mine.

  Maura moaned softly as she held her nipples straight out. She'd been quiet until now, but it was clear she would need to come soon. The ointment on her breasts no doubt helped with her arousal.

  "I think Adam is going to go with MacKenzie to check on the Jenkins women later in the week," Jake said, ignoring Maura's sounds as he reached for a bowl of sliced apples. "Mr. Carter at the mercantile said the ladies had a wagon of supplies delivered to hold them until then."

  "I can go with them," Grant offered, keeping his eyes on Maura's hands. The way his jaw was clenched tight, I knew they wouldn't be staying late.

  "No, I'll go. You'll need to be near for Maura," Sam said. "That ranch can't be anything but a burden for those women. They need to move into town."

  I couldn't agree more and wanted to help them, but there was no way I could leave Tessa at this juncture in her training. Eventually, she could stay on the ranch with my brothers and Grant, but since she was being mouth trained, a dildo would only work for so long. Based on the seed that coated her breasts, she needed ample practice in swallowing, and only my cock would do.

  "I'm ready for the trainers, Grant," Maura whispered, looking up at her husband with pleading eyes. "After you put them on, can I come?"

  "Yes, love. Once we get those nipples all stretched into the trainers, you can come." He stood, helped Maura up and bid us all goodnight. They left with the haste of a man who had a wife in heat. Tending to a new wife, training her, fucking her were more important than anything else. It was the way of Liberty, Montana and wasn't considered ill-mannered to walk out of a dinner.

  Did Tessa think I was unjust in my treatment of her? What she was perhaps just starting to understand was that she was the only woman I demanded control from. She was the only woman who I trained, the only woman who was my sole focus.

  "Whatever day you go, we'll ride with you to Doc's."

  "Something wrong that you need the doctor?" Jake asked as he absently ran a fingertip over the top of one of Catherine's breasts.

  "No. He was helping us with Tessa's cock sucking problem so I want her to stop in and see him."

  "We were thinking to go Sunday after church."

  "That will be convenient for us."

  "I'll plan with Doc and MacKenzie to go then," Sam replied around a forkful of potatoes. He and the doctor were the closest out of all of us that grew up together. MacKenzie, too. If the Jenkins ladies needed to be in town, those three could persuade them. If not, they'd probably toss them over their horses - tying them up first - to get them off the ranch.

  Tessa turned her surprised glance on me. "I thought...I thought we already met with Doctor Graham."

  "We did, but we need to share your progress." I glanced down at her seed covered breasts, which only made me hard again. How had I become completely at this woman's mercy? "Besides, you're still having problems with swallowing."

  Her cheeks turned pink. "I'm a little nervous about seeing my family at church."

  I took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "You shouldn't be. You gave them a piece of your mind the other day."

  "You told off your family?" Jake asked Tessa.

  She flushed even brighter. "I...I tried."

  "She did and exceptional job. Those two ladies are quite a duo. Sharp tongued and spiteful. They had the gall to speak negatively about my wife's breasts."

  The men stopped their eating and stared, surprised, while Tessa looked down at her plate, clearly embarrassed.

  "Tessa made me very proud. She defended herself, and me." I lifted her hands and kissed her knuckles. "I didn't know I'd have such a champion in my wife." She glanced at me furtively, unsure of my words. "My little tiger."

  She grinned, clearly pleased and relieved.


  The next morning, I woke and sucked Cole's cock as was part of my morning routine. I was becoming accustomed to the task, the feel and flavor of Cole's cock very arousing. When I looked up his lean, hard body to watch his face as I took him deep, I saw his lo
ss of control. I realized that I had power over him. I was the one who made him feel good. I was the one who made him succumb to his needs. I did this to him. Because of this, I tried with extra vigilance to take him as deeply as possible, to swallow as much of his seed as possible. And every time, just as he'd said, I worked my clit until I climaxed. The combination had me craving Cole's cock. If I could feel this amazing with him filling me, then I wanted him there.

  After, once he pulled his spent cock from my lips, he slid in a trainer and tied it behind my head. I stared up at him wide-eyed, surprised by his actions.

  "You're doing so well, darlin'. I can tell by how fast you come that you like having something in your mouth. Isn't that right?"

  I looked up into his dark eyes, admitted my feelings by nodding.

  "This isn't the same as my cock, is it?"

  I could only shake my head; I couldn't speak.

  "I know, darlin'. You can have my cock again at the noon meal. In the meantime, here is your bell for safety. Bathe and bring your clothes to my office where I will put in a new plug before dressing you. Remember, don't remove the seed you spilled from your breasts. I want to see it all day."

  At lunch, he found me in the dining room astride my special chair. He must have switched to a smaller dildo in the seat because it didn't fill me as I liked. It wasn't as long as Cole's cock, nor as thick, therefore it didn't appease the ache. Neither was the dildo in my mouth. It was as if Cole was intentionally taunting me. Regardless, it was working. I spent the morning longing for him. I needed him, not the chair, not the dildo. Both had only given me weak, unsatisfying orgasms. When he stood in front of me to undo the leather ties on my mouth trainer, my hands were already opening the placket on his pants, greedy and a little frantic for his cock. Even if I could only have it in my mouth, I knew I would have my pleasure. As I rode the special chair, I watched Cole come, even though I couldn't swallow all of his seed.

  After lunch, he inserted a larger mouth trainer, the largest yet. Tying it on, Cole looked down at my seed coated breasts, "This is why we're going to see Doctor Graham, Tessa. You're getting better each time, but there shouldn't be any cum on you. With this larger dildo in your mouth, I want you to practice swallowing and breathing through your nose as you do so."