Taming Tessa (Montana Maiden Series Book 2) Read online

Page 11

  I couldn't respond. It was impossible as I was trying to adjust to the larger dildo, sliding my tongue along the thick shaft and adjusting my breathing, just as he'd said. "This will stay in until dinner so you can practice. You have your bell. All right?"

  I nodded.

  He bent down, kissed my temple. "Good girl."

  I preened at his words, still upon the special chair, impaled on the dildo.

  As I shifted my hips, he arched a brow. "Is the special chair helping?"

  I shook my head dejectedly.

  He squatted down, looked me directly in the eye and grinned. My heart melted when he looked at me in such a way. "Good girl. See? You need my cock to come really hard, don't you?"

  My eyes widened at his words. Was it true? Could I only achieve true orgasm when he had his cock in me? Oh! It was true. I nodded again.

  "I'm so proud of you. You need my cock, don't you, darlin'?"

  I glanced down at the front of his pants.

  "And I need you. I swear I'm hard all the time, darlin'."

  He left me then, letting those words stew in my mind all afternoon as I tried everything I could imagine to come beyond the simplest little release. Nothing worked. I needed Cole's cock. So I fucked the dildo on the chair with extra vigor, but it didn't help.

  When Cole made a simple dinner of ham and eggs, I watched him with a dark eagerness. When he placed our plates to the table, I dove onto my knees for his cock, frantic for what only he could give me. He undid the mouth trainer and I eagerly sucked him into my mouth as far as it would go. The feel of his cock was better than the trainer. He was hot against my tongue, his flesh pulsed, his manly scent and his hands in my hair guiding me as he wanted were what I'd needed all day.

  "Oh darlin', such a greedy thing. Yes, just like that," he hissed. I felt soothed by Cole filling me. He was paying attention to me, needing me, teaching me. When he thrust his hips and his cock nudged the back of my throat, I came. It caught me completely by surprise as I wasn't touching my clit and there wasn't anything in my pussy. I screamed, but it was muffled by his cock. My eyes flared, then closed, savoring the delicious release.

  Cole pushed even further and I felt him thicken more. He groaned and his hot seed slid down my throat. This time when he pulled out, no seed escaped.

  "You swallowed it all. Such a good girl."

  I looked up at him with sated eyes, his cock glistening wet from my mouth right in front of me. "Cole, I...I came."

  "I know, darlin'." He stroked my head. "You're turning out to be such a good cock sucker. I'm so proud of you."

  I smiled under his praise. It felt like a warm beam of sunshine fell upon me.

  "We'll continue to use the mouth trainers because they seem to be working, but you come and find me, darlin', whenever you need a real cock. All right?" He was smiling at me, pleased with me.

  The next day we started a routine. I awoke ready for his cock, eager to swallow his seed. It pleased me so to see the way he lost control as he filled my mouth, thrust his hips with abandon. Then I saw such pride in his eyes when I was done, when I licked my lips and there was nothing to clean off my breasts. Next, he put in the largest mouth trainer, continuing to tie it off, one that touched my throat if I nudged it in the slightest amount.

  I couldn't do anything when I wore it except concentrate on breathing. It didn't block my airway, but I had to practice controlling what Doctor Graham had called my gag reflex. I sat in Cole's office as he wanted to keep a close eye on me with this trainer, my fingers busy between my thighs. When my arousal became too great, I crawled under Cole's desk and he traded the mouth trainer for his cock. This happened frequently enough where the last time I swallowed his seed and came, I just curled up under his desk and napped.

  After lunch, he replaced the leather strap on the largest mouth trainer with one that went about my wrist so I could use it on my own and carry it with me. As it seemed I wasn't able to come without something in my mouth, I slid it deep as I rubbed my clit until I was frantic, then sought out Cole. By bedtime, I'd sucked his cock six times, each time taking all of his seed into my belly. As my reward at bedtime, he fucked my pussy, soothing the emptiness I felt there all day.

  Over the next few days, I progressed to the point where I lost interest in the special chair and was able to come with just the mouth trainer or Cole's cock pushed deep down my throat. He was amazed with my progress, and I had to admit, so was I. It wasn't difficult to take him deep now. It wasn't hard to swallow his copious amounts of seed. It wasn't hard to please him.

  Sunday morning, when I finished sucking his cock from the side of the bed, Cole changed the rules. I lay sprawled on top of the tousled bed, my body languid and replete from my own orgasm. "You've come so far, darlin'." He put his spent cock back in his pants. "I'm getting rid of the mouth trainers. You're doing such a good job, you don't need them anymore. From now on, you can only put my cock in your mouth."

  I looked up at him as I worried my lip. "But Cole, I can't come otherwise!"

  He grinned down at me as he held out a hand. "I know. That means you'll have to come find me when you need your release."

  I pouted as he helped me up. "That's not fair."

  Cole raised a brow. "Catherine can't come unless Jake is fucking her ass. Grant told me that Maura can't come unless her nipples are worked. You aren't alone, darlin'. This means I control your orgasms, like a husband should."

  I crinkled my brow. "I don't like that idea."

  "Darlin', don't you know? You have me at your mercy. I'm hard all the time and only you can make it better. I might be in control, but you have all the power."


  Two hours later we were riding in a wagon to town. Cole had dressed me as always, but placed a simple scarf made of the same material as my blouse about my neck, crisscrossing it to cover my breasts and buttoning it in the back. It was the first time since our wedding that I had my breasts covered. The feeling of cotton against them felt very strange, but I was relieved to know I wouldn't be exposing myself to the town. Letting the entire Bridger family see them wasn't ideal, but I'd adjusted to the notion, just as Catherine said.

  Sam rode next to us to Doctor Graham's house. The plan for my brother-in-law, the doctor and the sheriff to continue on to the Jenkins farm had not changed and they would proceed after my visit.

  Doctor Graham met us on his porch. He dressed casually today, dark pants and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His saddlebag was at his feet. "Morning, Tessa. Cole. Sam, I'll be ready in about an hour."

  Sam tipped his hat. "I'll get a few things at the mercantile and be back." Turning his horse, he rode off.

  "Come in," Doctor Graham offered, his arm out for us to precede him inside.

  The office was a room on the main floor of his house, practical for late night emergencies. It was sparsely furnished with a wooden table, two chairs and a cot tucked against one wall. There was also a cabinet that held his supplies, herbs and medicines. The white walls were bare.

  "How are things progressing with your cock sucking, Tessa?" He leaned against the table as Cole and I sat in the chairs. I was surprised by the bluntness of his question, but I had to guess he dealt with these kinds of issues all the time.

  "Very well." I glanced at my husband. "Don't you think?"

  I held my breath, waiting for him to respond.

  "She's an excellent pupil," Cole added, smiling at me. "She can not only take my cock and swallow all of my seed, but she can come solely from a cock in her mouth."

  The doctor's eyebrow went up. "Really? That's impressive. Orgasms just from oral stimulation?"

  Cole nodded. "You've been most helpful with your advice and mouth trainers. You should see the final outcome."

  "You want me to...here? Now?"

  "Now, Tessa," Doctor Graham said, his voice like cold iron. "I need to evaluate your progress. Only the other day you had seed dribbled all over your breasts."

  "Besides," Cole began, "I'm hard again and only you can fix it."

  I glanced down at his lap. "Really?" Something akin to glee surfaced. I made him this...crazy?

  "Why are you so surprised? I'm imagining what your breasts look like beneath that scarf. Come, wife, show the doctor how you have me at your mercy."

  I raised one eyebrow and gave Cole a saucy grin. "Mercy?" I repeated.

  "On your knees," Cole ordered, but his tone was gentle.

  I did as he bid and lowered myself to the wood floor in front of him. Cole spread his knees so I could move in between.

  "Before she begins, I want to assess how wet her pussy is," Doctor Graham said to Cole. "She should begin to drip copiously while sucking your cock if she's going to come because her body will want a cock in her pussy. She might come from her new oral fixation, but her pussy doesn't want that. It wants a cock. If it doesn't get filled, it may not become wet, and that's not good. So if she doesn't get wet while you fuck her mouth, we might need to consider a dildo on a harness for her to wear so she doesn't get too dry."

  My mouth fell open. Too dry? I was never dry. The back of my skirts were always damp by the end of the day, whether from my own arousal or Cole's seed.

  "I'm...I'm always wet," I told the doctor, hoping to avoid the harness he spoke of.

  He tilted his head to the side. "I'll be the judge of that. Up on your hands and knees. Cole, lift up the back of her skirt so I can see her pussy while you fuck her mouth."

  I leaned forward onto my hands and Cole moved to bunch up my skirt and lift it up onto my back.

  "Spread your knees, Tessa," the doctor demanded.

  I looked up at Cole from my position on the ground. He nodded and I complied. I felt the cool air on my wet pussy lips and moved my legs a little further apart. "Good girl," he crooned, opening his pants and pulling his cock out. "Show him how wet you get."

  I heard movement behind me and I glanced over my shoulder. Doctor Graham had squatted down behind me and was gazing at my bare pussy. "She likes this, Cole. You're right. She's very wet."

  "Put it in your mouth, darlin'," he told me. "Swallow me down."

  I worked his cock as he'd trained me, letting the feel of him in my mouth take over. I wanted to show Doctor Graham how I could make Cole come, how I could swallow all his seed. I wanted to do a good job for Cole.

  I let the feelings of need wash over me as the conversation between Cole and the doctor skipped right over my head. I sucked and licked and took him deep again and again. Time had no meaning, as I was lost in what I was doing as my body's need built to a crescendo and I came. I cried out as I did so, but Cole held my head all the way onto his cock so that my nose bumped his belly and my sounds of release were lost. He shifted his hips up once and came viciously down my throat. I swallowed convulsively to take it all.

  Once Cole's cock began to soften, he released me. I pulled back, licked the still swollen tip completely clean, then rested my head on his thigh, sated and very satisfied.

  "Very impressive, Tessa. You've no doubt made Cole very proud." Doctor Graham stood and went to the cabinet. "Her pussy's sopping wet, which is good. But since she can come just by mouth fucking, you need to monitor her pussy carefully to make sure that doesn't change. Be sure to fuck her there good and hard at least once a day. Even if she's this insatiable, let's get her fitted for a dildo with a harness just in case."

  "Her pussy's lonely by the end of the day so I fuck her once we're in bed. You're always nice and wet for me, aren't you, darlin'?" Cole asked as he put himself back to rights.

  "Oh, yes, Cole." I felt it now, my wetness seeping down my thighs.

  "But I don't want any harm to come to her, Doc." He glanced down at me almost reverently. "She's too precious, so the harness is a good idea."

  Precious? I was precious to him? He'd always told me when I pleased him, always said how proud he was of me, how beautiful I was. No one had called me precious before. It felt...amazing. Knowing this man cared about me, took care of my needs--all of my needs--and cherished me made my heart swell. He'd been right all along. If I pleased him, he pleasured me. It was more than just having an orgasm. If I pleased him as a person, as me, then my heart filled with joy. That was a completely different kind of pleasure that I now craved. I smiled brilliantly up at my husband.

  "Stand here, Tessa, and hold up your skirt," Doctor Graham said.

  As Cole helped me to my feet, the doctor produced a leather harness that had a strap down the middle with a dildo attached. The strap connected front and back to a belt around the waist. I lifted one foot, then the other and the center strap with the dildo was lifted between my thighs. I wasn't keen on a the apparatus, but if Cole felt it necessary, then I wasn't going to complain. He knew what was best. "Cole, work that into her."

  Cole knelt beside me and worked the dildo up into my pussy as he kept his gaze on mine. I clenched down on the hardness that filled me and gasped, seeing the desire etched in every line of his face. The strap covered my clit and pressed against the plug in my ass as the doctor cinched the belt portion about my waist at my lower back.

  Cole stood and they both looked at me. Assessed the harness. One with a heated, lusty gaze, the other impartial and practical. I felt very full and once again, very needy. I closed my eyes and squeezed my inner walls over and over. It felt so good.

  "That looks like it fits well. If her pussy's ever dry, put this on her and her body will start getting wet from having the cock inside. The other option would be her special chair." Doctor Graham looked at Cole as they spoke.

  "No," Cole replied. "She's not interested in it anymore. The dildo on it's too small for her and it's not portable. This is a better choice if she needs to be filled all day. Otherwise, I'll just fuck her pussy more often. You'd like that, wouldn't you, darlin'?"

  The dildo within felt so good, but the ideas Cole was filling my head with were even better.

  There was a knock on the door and Sam entered. "Ready?" he asked the doctor. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you weren't done."

  "Almost," Cole said. "We're just getting Tessa sized for a harness. She's too wet right now to need it, but I don't want to worry that she'll get dry since she gets her mouth fucked more than her pussy." He ran a finger down my cheek, then kissed me. Looked me straight in the eye. "Are you wet?"

  I nodded and shifted my hips.

  "Since we're running behind, she can wear that until you get home, if you wish. No harm. By the look of her, you might have to excuse yourselves early from church."

  I knew my cheeks were flushed and I was shifting my hips, trying to eek as much pleasure as I could out of the dildo.

  Cole grinned. "I'm sure I can be accommodating. Whatever my wife needs."

  Sam leaned against the wall, quietly observing the end of my examination. "We're to meet MacKenzie at the jail and go on to the Jenkins ranch from there."

  "Right. Anything else, Cole?" Doctor Graham asked.

  Cole slapped the doctor's shoulder congenially. "Much obliged with your help." He took my hand. "We don't want to be late for church. You boys have fun," Cole told the doctor and Sam as he led me out into the bright sunshine. It was quite different walking with a dildo in my pussy as well as my ass. The leather strap bumped against my clit and there was no question I would remain aroused and wet for the duration of the time I wore it.

  "Cole, I don't want to go to church."

  He frowned. "Why ever not?" He was so broad he blocked out the sun behind him.

  "Because people will remember what you did to me."

  "Of course they will. And look at you now. So pretty. I'm proud to show you off as my wife. Are you worried you'll come in church?"

  That thought hadn't entered my mind, but now that he brought it to my attention, it was certainly a possibility. "Um--"

  "By the look of you, I'd say it's a possibility. Are your nipples hard, darlin'? I know you're wet." I couldn't help but squirm at his words. "If it gets to be too much, I'll take you out of the sanctuary and you can come. All right?"

  The image that provoked had me clenching down on the dildos. Desire shot through me like a bullet from a gun. He took my arm in his and started walking again in the direction of the church.

  I nodded.

  "There's something else. What is it? What's bothering you?"

  I bit my lip, looked up at him. "My family."

  "I'm your family now." The idea of Cole and I being our own little family filled an empty place inside. "You don't have to worry about your parents or your sister anymore."

  "But they say such hurtful things."

  "When you get scared, you strike out with barbed words, possibly just like they do."

  "What is my mother--my sister--scared of?" I was surprised and confused by his words. It was true, I lashed out when I was nervous or upset; that's what I'd done with Maura.

  Cole shrugged casually, thoughtfully. "Perhaps they're scared of you?"

  "Me?" I sputtered. I placed one hand on my covered breasts.

  "You're prettier than your sister ever will be, if vanity is the sole reason. Smarter, kinder, gentler. So many possibilities. As for your mother, perhaps you are all that she never was, never can be."

  Cole took my hand, gave it a gentle squeeze.

  "Perhaps." It would take time to consider his words.

  "If we see your family, just listen. Listen to your them and their words. You don't have to respond. You don't have to defend yourself because you've done nothing wrong. Think about why they're saying hateful things instead of what. I'll be there for you."

  "All right." I smiled at him, reassured to know he was with me, just like earlier in the week when Henrietta and Mother stopped by.

  We entered the sanctuary to polite hellos and smiles. No one whispered about me, and no one pointed at me as I'd thought they might. Cole was well respected, and as his wife, I was respected as well. We sat toward the back of the congregation and through the service Cole held my hand, his thumb idly stroking my knuckles.


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