Taming Tessa (Montana Maiden Series Book 2) Read online

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  I frowned. How could something up there keep me from becoming with child? I doubted this, but was inclined to agree with Cole. I wanted children, but not immediately. The thought of growing fat was not the least bit appealing. Only time would tell if it would work. He'd also said it would keep me...slick.

  "Slick? Slick for what?"

  "For the cork, but also for ass fucking. I might want to fuck your ass and I want to make sure you're good and ready for me, even when there isn't a jar of ointment nearby."

  "For...I mean," I gasped, then cleared my throat. I had no idea this was something a man did, or wanted to do. "Ass fucking?"

  "That's where I take my cock and bury it deep in your ass. I'll fuck you there, Tessa, so it's important that you're very slick and ready."

  The very idea had me clenching my bottom. Bent as I was, I could see the outline of his ... cock … through his pants. He was aroused and he was not small. I had no idea how he would fit in my woman's passage, let alone in my bottom.

  "You...you want to do that to me?"

  Cole dipped his fingers into a jar on the table, then moved them to my ass and rubbed cool ointment around my opening, similar to what he’d done at church. "Darlin', you have no idea."

  I squeaked and clenched at his touch. He was aroused because he longed for...that? The concept of his desire did not appeal to me, but the knowledge that I aroused him certainly did. I felt the item he called a pill being pushed against me and I was brought out of my reverie. My body fought the foreign object, but to no avail; he easily inserted the round object past my entrance, with one finger nudging it into my depths. It wasn't pleasant, and I felt my hips shift to avoid his penetrating finger as sweat broke out upon my skin.

  "Cole," I replied, panting and wincing at the intrusion. "It's...I don't...oh God, it's too much."

  He stopped and I had a moment of relief that he'd heeded my words. "Easy, darlin'. You're almost done." I glanced to the side. He picked up the small wooden object again. Cole was most certainly not done. After the experience at church, this cork's insertion went fairly quickly, although it was almost impossible for me to relax to have it go in. I panted through his ministrations. Clearly Cole had no intention of being defeated, and continued circling and pushing forward until it spread me open. I hissed at the final stretching.

  Grabbing a cloth, he wiped his hands. "Sit upon the table."

  I stood and relaxed my tense shoulders, feeling the things in my bottom. My body burned at the constant stretch. It wasn't remotely enjoyable, in fact, quite uncomfortable. I turned to face Cole, whose head was lowered as he looked his fill at my body. In comparison to my small frame, he was large and rough around the edges, with tanned work worn hands, an early beard growing on his jaw, and tiny lines at the corner of his eyes. I should be afraid of him, but I wasn't. I longed for him. Even after the things he'd said, I desired him. I wasn't immune; I felt my nipples pebble.

  "Sit? Here? Cole, this is where we eat our meals," I countered.

  He grabbed my hips and unceremoniously sat me upon the hard surface. The coolness of it against my private places made me squeak and I shifted my hips as the cork pushed into me.

  "Lean back on your elbows."

  "Cole--" I whined.

  He arched on brow. "Are you planning on questioning everything?"

  I tilted my chin up. "When you have ridiculous notions, then yes."

  I saw the corner of his mouth turn up as he pushed on my shoulders, making me fall back into the position he requested. My breath hissed out at the cool contact with my bare back. He took firm grip of both my ankles and lifted them up and wide, exposing me. With my bottom at the edge of the table, Cole could no doubt see...everything.

  Without releasing my legs, he knelt on the floor so his face was lined up with....

  "Cole!" I pushed up onto my hands in outrage. He couldn't look at me thusly! "You can't look at my woman's garden like that."

  "Woman's garden?" He sounded baffled, then he chuckled. It was dark and deep like day old coffee. "That is your pussy and you will call it that. I never want to hear woman's garden ever again."


  "You're worried about doing this where we eat, darlin'?"

  My eyes traveled down past my breasts, belly and even the dark hair between my thighs to look into his eyes. I just nodded.

  He grinned, that wide, wicked grin I used to taunt him to see. "This is the perfect place because I'm going to eat your pussy. I want to see what you taste like. Like honey, I bet."

  He didn't give me time to wonder what he meant as his mouth closed over my - oh Lord! Right there. I pushed at his head, trying to get him away. "No! You can't do that!"

  After brushing his mouth over some place that made my entire body feel as if it had been dipped in a hot bath, he lifted his head. "Like that spot, did you?"

  He grinned and I saw his chin was wet from...from me? Oh my.

  "Let me see if I can find that again." He lowered his head once more and immediately honed in on that spot, his tongue rasping over it just as his thumb had in church. With one particularly attentive flick of his tongue, I arched my back, tilting my hips into his mouth. I wanted this. I needed him to finish what he'd started. He slipped a finger inside and rubbed against some spot, some secret place that had me reaching the same pinnacle as I had earlier. Like a cliff, I launched myself off and reveled in the sensations, the quivering of my body that only Cole could bring about. I cried out his name as his tongue didn't stop.

  I slumped onto the table, replete and boneless, as he finally moved his mouth from my...pussy and kissed each of my inner thighs, then stood. He wiped his chin with the back of his hand.

  "I was right." He grinned wickedly. "Just like honey."

  "Cole," I gently scolded. I was embarrassed, but the way he made me feel tempered it. I couldn't do anything but lay there and stare up at him, my legs wickedly wide open, my entire body prostrate and on display. He'd wiped out every contrary thought from my mind.

  "I like seeing you like this, knowing you desire me as much as I want you. I could go at you all day, but I like a nice smooth, shaved pussy to eat. Don't move your legs, Tessa."

  The thought of having my hair there shaved was not overly enticing, but the way Cole's gaze burned when he talked about the idea had me laying still. Not that I could move anyway; Cole had pleasured me into complete compliance. And I wasn't complaining.



  Desire coursed through my veins, my heart pumping, the blood moving south to my cock as I tasted Tessa on my tongue. Sweet did not begin to describe my new bride. She was a prickly one, but when I tamed her with my touch, she was hot and wild, lost to her inhibitions. Even now, sated from her pleasure, she was sprawled upon the dining table, wanton and...well, gorgeous. Her skin was silky soft, so pale I could see her veins, a network of little blue rivers beneath the skin. Her breasts were as bountiful as she'd said, more than a handful with responsive and delectable nipples. Her legs were long, supple and between them, her pussy was...ripe and lush.

  I shifted my cock in my pants to seek more comfort, although that wouldn't happen until I was buried deep within her. There was no doubt that she'd take to my cock like she'd taken to my fingers and my mouth, with sheer abandon. Even without the pill in her ass, she was easily aroused, easily brought to climax.

  The pill--made from the ground plant that the natives had originally discovered and shared with the founders of Liberty--had a hard beeswax coating that would soften from the heat of her body and build her arousal while the ointment would keep her slick and ready for me. Not only that, the doctor had added another ingredient that kept her from conceiving. I had no idea what it was, but many families in town only had a few children each, if that, so it must work.

  Picking up my shaving brush and mug, clean cloth and my razor, I made my way back to her side. As I placed the items down upon the table, someone knocked on the door.

  "Enter!" I calle
d out.

  Tessa gasped and attempted to sit up. I placed a hand on one shoulder, gently preventing her from doing so.

  Sam, one of my brothers, stuck his head through the door. "Maura sent me over with your meal. Hope I'm not interrupting."

  "I was just about to shave Tessa's pussy, but directly after we'd love to partake of Maura's food."

  Sam came in carrying a lidded pot, the scent of stew filling the air. I'd eaten Tessa's pussy, but it wasn't enough sustenance for what I planned later. I'd need my energy to fuck her as I intended.

  She looked up at me in horror, embarrassment."Cole, please, we have company."

  "It's just Sam. You've met my brother."

  "But--" She sputtered, her eyes darting to Sam. "But I'm undressed."

  "Yes." I took my time looking over her body, one stunning inch at a time. "You are. Time to get you shaved."

  "I couldn't! Not with Sam here," she cried as she glanced fearfully at my brother.

  "You can, and you will."

  "You'd let him see me?" Her eyes flared with alarm.

  "Him. Jake. Grant, too."

  "The foreman?" She said that as if he were a lunatic.

  My jaw clenched. "Careful, wife. That man is family." She might be stunned by the presence of another man when she was en dishabille, so I'd give her a small amount of latitude about her sharp tongue, but not much.

  "So you'll just give me to anyone?"

  "I will give you to no one. You are mine. But just like at the wedding, some things you question are considered appropriate."

  "Like Sam seeing me like this?"

  Now she was understanding. "Yes, exactly."

  Her eyes filled with tears.

  "Your body is mine, Tessa. I will never hurt you. I've only pleasured you, haven't I, darlin'?"

  She nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek and onto the table beneath her. I brushed it's wet trail away with my thumb.

  "You are so beautiful that it pleases me for others to see you like this. To see what's mine."

  "You...you're flaunting me?" she asked, her voice incredulous. Her tears had quickly dried up and she looked at me wide eyed, the whites of her eyes showing around the intense blue. She didn't move.

  I tilted my head and considered her words. "In a way. You're such a good girl." Grabbing her ankles as I'd done earlier in the day, I positioned her feet so they rested on the very edge of the table and pushed them wide apart, opening her completely to me once again.

  Sam came to stand nearby and looked down at Tessa's pussy. She had dainty little lips, a pretty pink that was so bright next to her pale skin and a full thatch of black hair, the small cork in her ass. Her pussy revealed a slick hint of her arousal, and I licked my lips remembering the taste. It pleased me to see she was aroused even without the aid of the pill.

  "Pull up a chair, Sam, and watch. Tessa's not going to move a muscle as I shave her because if she does, I might nick her pretty pussy. You wouldn't want that, would you, darlin'?"

  I looked up her body, over her tightly furled nipples, to her wide eyes. Lifting the straight razor up for her to see, she shook her head.

  With quick strokes of the shaving brush, I coated her pussy in thick lather, and then set to work removing all the dark hair. Sam sat back in a dining chair, legs outstretched in front of him and just watched. She held perfectly still.

  Once finished, I wiped her beautiful, bare pussy with a cloth. "Isn't that a pretty sight, brother?"

  "It's definitely pretty, especially all bare like that and the cork stretching her ass," Sam commented.

  "Mmm," I replied, running my finger over her corked ass. She gasped at the touch.

  I helped her to stand, kept my gentle grip on her arm until she'd gotten her bearings. Her breasts were full and tear shaped, with plump nipples that matched the color of her pussy. I cupped them in my palms, testing their weight. They were more than a handful and very lush. I watched as her nipples furled tight from the contact. "Shall we have our meal? You must be quite hungry."

  Tessa's mouth fell open. "But I'm naked."

  "Yes, you are. And you will be for the foreseeable future. Remember when I said I'd demand things of you that you might not understand?"

  She nodded, licked her lips. "But...but why?" Her brows furrowed in confusion.

  I placed my thumb over the crinkled spot, eased the tension from it. "Because I've been dreaming of seeing your body for years and now...now I can."

  Her mouth formed into a perfect O.

  "Such a pretty sight," Sam added, as he went to ladle our meal into bowls.


  I'd been dreaming of being married to Cole Bridger for years, but now I was torn. He'd given me the most incredible pleasure...twice, but then he'd shaved me there while his brother observed! My naivete about what happened between a man and wife was greater than I first thought if this was normal. Was there something abnormal about my husband? Everything I'd envisioned of him-- handsome, powerful, commanding, gentle--were still accurate, but there was more to him as well. Dark, dominating and overtly sexual. I expected some fumbling beneath the covers, the bedroom dark as night while I endured Cole's attentions. Not out in the open, where everything carnal was exposed. Who cared about his handsome visage when he kept me naked for his brother's eyes? His muscular arms were irrelevant when he made me sit with no clothes while I ate my dinner. I'd questioned his appeal when he'd shaved me...there.

  I felt naked, even being naked, without any hair on my woman's place. It was cool against the smooth skin and I could look down and gaze upon my nether lips that had been hidden before. Had they always been so...wet? My lips were slick as I ate my meal, tingly and warm as the freshly shaved skin slid easily on my wooden seat.

  Needless to say I'd never eaten a meal with my breasts exposed, but had the tips always been so full and plush? Were they always such a deep shade of pink? Every little hair on my body, the tiny ones on my arms, at the nape of my neck, felt sensitive. How had I never known such longing, such need, such pleasure existed? Had I just never paid attention to my body before or was this something brought about by Cole?

  Now, hours later, as I stared down at Cole's large bed - now my bed - I felt warmth spread through my body, felt wetness drip down my thighs. My bottom was sore after being filled with the cork all day. But that wasn't the only place I thought about now. My mother had told me what Cole would want to do, where he'd want to put that...that hardness between his legs and how I'd have to endure it. My woman's passage clenched at the very idea, and not in a bad way as she had imagined me to believe, but in anticipation.

  "Have you ever seen a man without his clothes?" Cole asked as he unbuttoned his shirt, his large fingers at work, breaking me from my reverie.

  I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the movement. Little by little, his bare chest was revealed, all tanned skin and a smattering of dark hair that thinned into a line that dipped below his pants to...oh!

  "No." When had my voice gotten so breathy?

  He quickly shucked his boots and pants and stood before me completely bare. My eyes widened as I took in his--

  That was going to fit inside me?

  "So this is the first cock you've seen?" He stroked his...cock with one large fist, sliding it from root to plush, wide head as I nodded. Did it just lengthen even more? "It’ll be the last one you see, too."

  I swallowed my nervousness all the while moisture seeped down my legs.

  "You're...you're too big, Cole."

  He grinned wickedly. "My wife gives compliments."

  I shook my head. "No, I meant--"

  "I'll fit and you're going to love it."

  That, I questioned readily. Just the sheer size of him had me doubting. "Right now?"

  He looked at me with hooded eyes. His pupils had deepened to a whiskey brown and the intensity there was from arousal, not anger at my skittishness. His jaw clenched at one long stroke of his hand on his cock.

  "I've been hard like this for ho
urs, seeing you naked, knowing you're mine. But I don't fuck unwilling women."

  I sighed in relief, knowing he wouldn't force me. Could I handle something so large?

  "So let's make you willing."

  My mouth fell open. We stood in front of each other, a little over an arm's distance apart, just looking. Learning.

  "Touch yourself."

  I lifted a hand and touched my opposite arm as if I were cold.

  "Not there." His hand continued to pump his manhood. "Touch your nipples. Make them hard."

  I lifted my hands to my breasts, ran them over the smooth skin, now remarkably sensitive, to the very tips. They brushed against my palms and I felt a heat so intense, it was like a lightning strike that shot right to the place between my legs. I looked down, surprised, and saw my nipples tighten. I moved my hands away, stunned at the sensation.

  "They're so pretty, darlin'. So ripe and full."

  I glanced up at Cole through my lashes. "You really like them? As I said before, they're so...big."

  One eyebrow went up and he grinned. "I'll have to keep reminding you then that I like big. More than a handful. Now come over here so I can touch them."

  He wasn't horrified by them. He wasn't laughing at me. By the lusty glint in his eye, I'd say he really was pleased with my breasts. So I took the steps between us and let him touch them. But it wasn't exactly touching that he was doing. His gaze lowered to watch his hands upon me. They moved gently, softly, reverently even, circling a finger in ever smaller circles until the calloused tip touched my nipple. Again, the lightning strike of pleasure. But this time, it wasn't enough and I stepped forward into his touch so he could take more, press more. Feel more.


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