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Mountain Delights (Wild Mountain Men Book 2) Page 8
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Page 8
“You put ketchup on your crotch?”
Cy glared at me. Seriously, we’d gone through some serious shit together and this was the look that should have killed me.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish soap. It’s like rubbing a bubbling, abrasive paste into your skin. I think my sense of smell is gone,” Cy grumbled. “Please tell me we don’t reek.”
“You don’t smell,” I said honestly. There was a hint of skunk, but I never suspected they’d been sprayed.
Hailey lifted her head, looked to me with tear-filled eyes and a splotchy face. “Really?”
Cy gave me another look, one that said don’t fuck with her. Clearly, they were exhausted and frazzled. What a nightmare. I had to hope we could all laugh about it. Later.
Now, it was time for all of us to crash. Hard.
“How did this happen?”
“Two words,” Cy said. “Hot tub.”
Oh shit. Now I really wanted to laugh, but knew I’d be killed on the spot, and I had a feeling it would be a joint effort on their part.
“Move over and make room for me. I want to hold my girl.”
I went to Hailey’s side of the bed and climbed in. Cy moved over to make room, and I pulled Hailey into my arms so I was wrapped around her. I sniffed as she rested her head on my bicep. “Nope, no skunk.”
“That was awful and I’m so tired,” she whispered, snuggling in. My dick liked it but now was not the time.
I looked to Cy who was staring at Hailey. He reached out, stroked her cheek and said, “Sleep, sweetheart. I’ll be right here.”
He dropped down onto his pillow, threw the blanket over all of us and closed his eyes.
They might not have had the night they wanted to get to know each other, but it seemed they had anyway. The way Cy had looked at her, the way Hailey just nodded in response and snuggled into me, they were tight now, tight in a way perhaps good sex couldn’t have done.
I was cranky. It had been five days since the skunk incident and since then, I’d grown more and more restless. Irritable. Not because I smelled, because that had been resolved, thank God.
I could confront a mountain and ski the hell out of it, but I couldn’t confront someone else. I hated confrontation. I didn’t want to race anymore. I’d known that for months. I’d been kicking that can down the road, avoiding it, avoiding Mark.
I didn’t want to say the words aloud to myself, let alone him. He was going to be pissed. Yell at me for throwing my career away. Wasting my talent. I was too young to give up. Besides my knee, I was healthy, and my knee had recovered enough to ski again. It could take the abuse; the doctors had said so. I probably wasn’t even at the peak of my career. He saw more championship wins, more sponsorships, and he was probably right. More money for me, but more importantly, for him.
I was his meal ticket.
I never cared about the money. Fine, it was definitely a perk, but I had enough now. I didn’t live lavishly. Hell, I drove a SUV that was older than me. I could walk away. Be a coach myself, get a gig as a commentator on a sports channel for the sport. Work in the ski manufacturing industry. I had plenty of opportunities off the slope.
Or I could get back out there, ski the shit out of the hill, as Cy had put it. I’d wiped out before, recovered and got back on that lift. Did it all over again, faster and better.
What had changed?
I still craved that rush, that desperate need to control the mountain, my skis, even me. I was also scared. Scared to fall. To fail. To get hurt even worse.
I had Lucas and Cy. I loved what we had together, what we could become if given time, and that scared the hell out of me. I wanted to give up my racing career for two men.
It went against every feminist bone in my body.
Racing again would take me away from them, from the life we were slowly building. It hadn’t even been a week, but I didn’t want it to stop. But it could be yanked away just as quickly as I’d fallen on that rough turn. I was putting my heart in the hands of two men, and they had the ability to crush it. I shouldn’t want them. I should be back in the Springs, working my ass off.
I should be at training camp, then I’d jet off to the first race and never look back, not getting back to Cutthroat until the snow melted. April, if I was lucky.
April. Ugh.
But even knowing what Lucas and Cy could do to me, I wanted to quit. I was done. I’d lost the edge. The focus.
I had to meet with Mark to tell him. I dreaded it. He was intense, which was good as a coach. I needed his intensity, his drive. It matched mine, perhaps even more so. I didn’t mind all that aimed at me before a race, but now? It wasn’t going to be pretty. He’d hate me.
“I thought you were going to wash the dishes?” Cy asked, coming in the kitchen door. He had three grocery bags in his hands, Lucas following carrying a few more. They sat them on the counter. I’d remained behind on the ranch when they went on a food run.
“Sorry,” I said, joining them. “I forgot.”
Cy gave me a look, one that said he wasn’t pleased. Trying to get skunk smell off had bonded us. How was crazy, definitely, but we’d had a trauma, albeit a ridiculous one, and we’d survived together. He’d helped scrub my hair—over and over again—even though he’d reeked as well. He’d taken care of me, proven he’d be there for me in the worst of times.
It felt incredible, but that was dangerous. Everything that was exhilarating was also dangerous. I knew that first hand.
Since the skunk fiasco, he’d been sweet. Caring. Like Lucas. We’d had sex, countless times, but it had changed. It wasn’t like the first days where he’d been bossy and dominant, spanking me and tying me up. When we’d been in the hot tub—and before the stupid skunk had ruined it all—Cy had ordered me into his bedroom to dominate me.
That had never happened, and not in the days since. No, he was sweet. Never talked dirty, never even spanked me. They never took me together, never mentioned fucking me at the same time like they had originally. They gave me orgasm after orgasm, but it wasn’t enough.
I loved the attention, but it wasn’t what I needed. God, what was wrong with me? Two men fucking me and I wasn’t happy. Just as I’d thought, I was destroying something before it even started. It was better this way. It was supposed to be fun. No heart involved.
I turned on the water on one side of the split sink, grabbed a dirty breakfast dish from the other side and rinsed it. Opening the dishwasher, I bent down to put it in, keeping my ass out. I had two virile men putting groceries away and they could have a show. I wasn’t naked, but they could take the hint. Give me what I wanted. Just fun. Just… mindless sex.
Rinsing another dish, I did it again. And again, wiggling my ass as I did so.
Lucas came up behind me, set his palm on my butt. “I like this.”
Looking over my shoulder at him, I grinned. “It’s yours for the taking.”
What more invitation could I give him? I didn’t want their kindness, their concern. I wanted their rough hands, their wildness.
He winked. “Let’s go to Cy’s room.”
“No.” Cy’s voice was like a whip cracking. He leaned against the counter, arms crossed. “She doesn’t get our dicks.”
“What?” I sputtered. “Why not?”
“You’ve been a bad girl.”
“Because I didn’t do the dishes?” I asked, stunned.
“That, and the fact that you didn’t call your parents back yesterday. Did you?”
My cheeks flamed, knowing he was right. They’d left a message, and I had yet to call them.
“Other things, too.” He stroked his beard.
There had been other things. I’d left wet towels on the floor. Stupid shit that was ridiculous, just to get a rise out of Cy. To get him to do something besides kiss me on t
he head and love me. Yeah, love. I didn’t want the love.
I wanted the fun. The fucking. Nothing else. That was fun. Safe.
And so, I lashed out. Acted out so they’d have to give it to me. I grabbed another dish, rinsed it and put it in the dishwasher with the others.
“Sweetheart, if you wanted a spanking, all you had to do was say it.”
My head whipped up, met his dark gaze. “What?”
“You need to be taken in hand, don’t you?”
“We’ll give you whatever you need, but being a brat won’t work.”
Shit, he was right. It hadn’t worked. The towel thing had been petty and so like a moody teenager. Not doing the dishes had been for attention and I’d gotten it, but in the wrong way. He wasn’t tossing me over his shoulder to drag me to his room for a wild time.
“Sorry,” I muttered. I’d never behaved like this before. Petty. Shallow. Self-serving. Why couldn’t I be satisfied with their affection? Because you are afraid of it!
“You will be.”
And with those words, goose bumps rose on my arm, my pussy clenched. Those three words were what I’d wanted to hear all week.
He walked out of the kitchen and sat down on the edge of the coffee table. “Come here, sweetheart.”
I glanced at Lucas, who only winked at me again. He was not going to offer me any help, wasn’t going to hug me or kiss me or even fuck me. Knowing he would be watching whatever Cy intended made me all the hotter.
Slowly, I made my way over to Cy, and he set his hands on my hips, pulled me in between his parted knees. His hold was gentle, but when he looked up at me, his gaze was as dark as his voice. “You need to be spanked, don’t you?”
I bit my lip, nodded. I did. “You wouldn’t give it to me.”
One dark brow winged up. “So you acted out?”
“I’m sorry,” I repeated.
“I’ll give you whatever you need. Lucas, too. But not this way. Manipulating me. Trying to make me angry.”
Oh god, that’s what I had been doing. My frustration seeped away and was replaced by disappointment. In myself.
He took my chin between his fingers, and I had no choice but to look into his dark eyes. “I will never touch you if I’m mad, so your little plan didn’t work.”
“You’ve been too nice,” I said, blinking back tears. “I don’t want nice.”
He laughed. “Most women want that.”
I frowned. “I’m not most women.”
His hands went to my jeans, undid the button and slid down the zipper. “Yes, Lucas and I are well aware you are one of a kind.”
“We’re fucking lucky that you’re ours,” Lucas said, dropping down onto the couch, watching as Cy pushed my jeans and panties down around my thighs.
“I wanted what you promised in the hot tub.”
Cy paused, thought about our pre-skunk conversation.
“Over my lap,” he ordered.
I paused and he waited. This was what I’d wanted for days. What I’d craved. I’d never been spanked before meeting Cy, and it had been a revelation.
I turned and settled myself over his strong thighs, my palms pressing into the floor. His hand settled on my upturned ass, stroked over it.
“This is a pretty sight. Let’s make it prettier. Lucas, go get that plug and lube I picked up.”
My bottom clenched at Cy’s words.
“The medium sized one.”
Oh god.
From my position, I saw Lucas’ feet as he walked past. When had Cy bought a butt plug? I didn’t even know there was an adult store in town.
“Now, let’s get you warmed up for that plug.”
Cy’s hand came down on my ass and I jumped. It wasn’t all that hard, and I’d been expecting it, but still…
He spanked me again, the other side. Then again. And again. Each time, his hand fell a little bit harder. By the time Lucas returned, my bottom was all warmed up and it tingled.
My core ached, my pussy throbbed with need. This was what I’d missed. My mind instantly cleared. My problems were washed away every time his hand landed on my ass.
I wasn’t in control. Cy was. The sting reminded me of that. It settled me.
His fingers tugged on one cheek, opened me up, and I gasped when a drizzle of cool lube landed directly on my back entrance. Immediately after, I felt the hard pressure of the plug working its way in.
“Relax,” Cy said, adding more pressure.
“Easy for you to say,” I grumbled. “You don’t have something going into your ass.”
A hand came down on my ass. Hard. Then again.
“Do you want the big plug instead?”
I shook my head, my hair falling around me like a curtain. That plug wasn’t big? “No.”
“No, what?” he asked, spanking me again.
“No, sir.”
He rubbed my sore flesh as he pulled back on the plug, then pressed once again. I took a deep breath, let it out. Relaxed. All at once, the wide flange opened me up and the plug sank deep. It didn’t hurt, not any more than Lucas’ fingers had, but this was different. It was ungiving and it wasn’t going anywhere.
“Look how pretty that ass is,” Cy commented.
“Gorgeous,” Lucas agreed. His voice came from the couch, but I hadn’t paid any attention to the fact that he’d sat back down.
“Time for your spanking, sweetheart.”
I tensed. “It hasn’t started?”
“Oh, no, that was just a warmup. When you’re naughty, you get punished inside and out.”
“Oh god,” I moaned. I loved his dirty talk and the way my pussy was on full display, he no doubt could see it. I was wet. Ridiculously wet, and all because he was in charge.
His hand came down again, and I gasped, tears burning my eyes. His fingers had bumped the flange of the plug, and it shifted inside me.
“Ow!” I cried, reaching back instinctively to cover my ass.
He took my wrist, held it pinned behind my back as he spanked me again. And again.
By the third one, I was crying. I lost count after that, letting it all out. The heat and sting were intense, but this was what I’d wanted. What I’d craved for days. What I’d been bratty to get.
I gave up. Gave over. I melted over his thighs, letting him spank me. As soon as I did so, he stopped, then carefully lifted me up into his lap, my jeans and panties still tugged down, the plug still firmly in my bottom. He held me as I cried, as I just let go.
“I’m sorry,” I muttered into his chest. “I’m not a crier.”
He stroked my hair. “Maybe you should be. You’re too strong, sweetheart. We’re here for you, good and bad.”
They were, but I didn’t want that. I wanted them to fuck me now, especially with the plug in my ass at the same time. God, it would be so tight.
“What’s eating at you?” Lucas asked.
I tipped up my chin, looked at him. He was leaning forward, elbows on his knees.
“You can tell us now, sweetheart, or after I spank your ass some more,” Cy added.
“I don’t want to race anymore.”
I said it aloud. I said the words I’d been thinking for months.
Lucas grinned. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
I nodded. “God, yes, that was really hard.”
“Why don’t you want to compete?” Cy asked.
“I’m done. I’ve… lost my nerve, I think. Or at least the drive.”
“That’s why you want me to spank you? To fill that void?” Cy shifted me in his lap. “You have control on the mountain. Complete control of the turns, the skis, the fucking mountain. Then you fall and it takes that from you. You what, want to give it to me, now?”
I frowned. What he said made sense. Why did I want to give my control to him, though? I’d been fighting my interest in them all along. I didn’t want to want them more than for just a fun time.
I shouldn’t have given it to him, but I wanted it. I need
ed it, it seemed.
Cy looked to Lucas.
“We want to be with you. Forever, doll,” Lucas said. “But you have to find your thing; you have to live your life. We’ll be beside you while you do it. If that’s ski racing, great. If it’s not, great. But you can’t lay over Cy’s lap to forget. You need to make yourself happy, whatever you decide.”
“That’s right,” Cy added. “I’ll spank your ass. Fuck it, and hopefully soon. But I won’t dominate you as a replacement.”
“So, you’re saying you think I should ski?”
Lucas shook his head. “I’m not saying one way or the other. You have to decide what’s right for you. Only for you. Quit for you, but don’t replace skiing with us.”
Was that what I’d been doing? Had I unintentionally been doing exactly what I’d tried to avoid?
“You can’t hide here like you have been,” Cy said.
“I’m not hiding!” I countered.
He just stared at me for a minute, then continued. “We won’t enable that. If you don’t want to compete anymore, that’s fine. But you need to go talk to your coach. End it.”
Wait a minute. Wait. A. Minute.
“You won’t enable me?” I asked. “This week was supposed to be fun! To have sex with two hot guys. You weren’t enabling me, you were fucking me.”
Lucas perked up at that. “Fun? You think all we’re having is fun?” He ran a hand over his neck, clearly thinking this was much more than that.
“Yes, enabled,” Cy continued. Fuck, he was like a dog with a bone. “You didn’t connect with your parents, who, I would guess, want to know about how you’re feeling, what your plans are. Same goes with your coach. He’s been calling you all the time, wanting to know when you would get back to training. Even coming here to meet with you. You stalled him for a week to be with us. I’d say we enabled you.”
Lucas scowled at me.
I sputtered, stunned by what he was saying. “What’s wrong with wanting to be together, to have fun?” I countered. Hadn’t they wanted to be with me? They’d certainly seemed content fucking me. “People do it all the time.”
“To stall,” Cy added.
“To fuck,” I snapped, not liking this at all. He made it sound like I’d been using them.