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Taming Tessa (Montana Maiden Series Book 2) Page 5

  "Go bathe. When done, come find me and I'll put a cork or plug back in."

  Her mouth fell open. "You said I'd get the cork out."

  I nodded once. "I did and you have. After you wash, I will put one back in."

  "You tricked me," she frowned placing her hands on her hips. I'd seen this similar gesture before when she was clothed, but I was enjoying the naked version much better.

  "I did no such thing. I've told you more than once that your ass will be filled from now on."

  "Are you doing this to be cruel?"

  "Oh, darlin', have I done anything to you that was cruel?" I didn't give her time to answer. "I'm doing this because I have the honor of being your husband. You will accept it because you have the privilege of being my wife. Go on now. Wash off my seed and your blood from your thighs."

  She glanced down between her legs and shrieked in surprise, dashing down the hall to the washroom.

  Ten minutes later, she found me in the kitchen with my second cup of coffee. Her hair was brushed and tied prettily with a ribbon at the nape of her neck and she smelled like the floral soap I bought for her at the mercantile. So feminine, so alluring. She held a skirt, blouse and corset against her chest. "I can't find my drawers and this corset it strange. It laces in the back."

  I took a final sip and put the mug down on the table. "You are very efficient, bringing your clothes with you." I took the small pile and set it on the table next to my mug. "Over to the bar and I'll get your cork in."

  She turned to look in the direction I pointed. "There's a bar here in the kitchen?" Her nose wrinkled at the idea.

  "They are throughout the house. There's one in the barn, the stable and elsewhere on the ranch as well." I held up my hand when she opened her mouth to speak. "Don't ask anything else. To the bar, please."

  She pursed her lips, but complied readily and I tugged her hips back. "Just like earlier, darlin'."

  "But breasts," she said, her voice soft and upset.

  I studied them, dangling heavily beneath her, the soft nipples pointing toward the ground. "They are perfect and I am immensely pleased to see them this way."

  "They are very heavy."

  Reaching around her body, I cupped one in each palm. They overflowed around my hand as I kneaded them, then tugged on the nipples until they tightened beneath my fingers. They were as she said: pendulous and heavy. Tessa cried out and pushed her chest down into my hands. "They are very responsive. Sensitive." It made me wonder if she might be able to come from just playing with them.

  Letting them go gently, I took a cork from the shelf along with the ointment. I also grabbed another pill Adam Graham, town doctor and close friend, had given to me. Her body was adjusting well to the aphrodisiac; her pussy was slick and wet with her cream and her nipples were clearly responsive. I gently worked the pill deeply into her ass, followed by the cork. Her little pants of breath as I stretched her open had her breasts shifting. When I circled her stretched ring to accept the cork, she groaned. I'd chosen one a tiny bit wider than before where she would clench down on it in a constant attempt at closing up all the way.

  Helping her to stand, she shifted her hips and grimaced. "This is extremely uncomfortable."

  "It should be. I would be very surprised if it wasn't."

  "I won't forget I belong to you, if that's your concern," she replied, pouting.

  "I know you won't, darlin'." I looked down at her forlorn face. So used to getting her way. So I would be gentle, accustoming her slowly to my expectations. Still, for her it was quite a bit to take in. No doubt her mother had told her about a husband fumbling in the dark, lifting his bride's nightgown to fill her with his seed until it took. No pleasure for her, no variation. Coming to terms with her own body's reactions would be challenging in itself. "The way you respond to my touch shows me that your body already knows it's mine."

  "Really?" she wondered, her eyes wide.

  "Have you been kissed by another?" I asked.

  She glanced at the floor. "When I was much younger," she whispered.

  I felt relief knowing she'd only dabbled in youthful transgressions. Using one finger, I tipped her chin up so she met my gaze. "Did your body respond to him like it does for me? Did your nipples tighten? Did your pussy become slick and wet? Did you ache?"

  Her pupils dilated at my words, her nipples tightened. Oh, so responsive! She shook her head, murmured, "No, Cole."

  "Good, then I won't have to kill him," I grumbled, then tipped the corner of my mouth up in a grin to reassure her I wasn't serious--feeling jealous of a mere boy. Why was I so disturbed that even a kiss was taken by another? I picked up her corset and wrapped it around her body. "You're mine, Tessa." I lowered my head to hers, our lips meeting, making sure she only gave her kisses to me.

  "Yes, Cole," she replied, breathlessly.

  Standing behind her, I adjusted it carefully so that her breasts were fully supported by the front of the corset, yet completely exposed. Adjusting the laces, I tightened it, then tied it securely. I moved around to inspect her, making sure I'd put it on properly: snug, yet comfortable. Her head was lowered to stare at her very erect, very exposed breasts. She was absolutely stunning. Being so large, the corset lifted her breasts up and out. Her waist was so narrow, so trim that her breasts appeared even larger. And without her drawers, I could see her pussy lips bare and glistening. It was too much for a man to abstain.

  "Over to the bar again," I growled. I couldn't help it. "I need to fuck you, darlin'. You're too irresistible to resist. Bend as you've learned and don't let go."

  It must have been the deep timbre of my voice, or maybe the intensity in my gaze, but Tessa complied without question. I undid my pant's placket as I stared at her pussy lips, all red and swollen. When she bent over, they opened as if beckoning to me. I moved to stand directly behind her and pulled out my cock, growing thicker and longer as I bumped the head against her slick opening.

  "Just the sight of you makes me want to fuck you, darlin'. You're irresistible." With those words, I thrust my hips and buried my cock to the hilt. The cork in her ass made her opening even smaller and I felt the hard edge rub against my cock. She gasped at the forceful intrusion. "You want this. Your pussy is wet. Your lips there are open and swollen all but inviting me in."

  I pulled almost out, then pushed in, my breathing becoming heavy as if I'd run the distance to the stable. Her walls clamped about me and she shifted her hips. "You were made for me to fuck you."

  "Yes," she whispered. "Oh yes."

  Again and again I pummeled her depths and she began to push back against me, meeting me as I thrust deep so I could brush against her clit.

  "You need this, don't you, Tessa? You need me to fuck you."

  "Yes!" she cried out, her orgasm taking her by surprise--and I hadn't even touched her clit. I saw a sheen of sweat form on her back, felt a rush of wetness seep from her and I pistoned even harder. With her body so greedy for my cock, it wasn't long before I came, pumping my seed into her depths.

  Her head slumped down, her breathing deep, her hair, having come out of the pretty ribbon, ran down over her shoulders. So wanton, so lusty. So mine.


  I awoke with a start. I was tucked back in bed, the blanket pulled up over my nakedness. Well, almost nakedness as I still donned the corset. The last I remember was a pleasure so intense I'd slumped down, my fingers so slippery on the bar I could barely hold on. Cole had wanted me again. He'd fucked me again...and I'd wanted it. No, more than that, I'd needed it. The way he looked at me, how his eyes darkened and his cheeks turned ruddy, his jaw clenching tightly as he gazed upon my body, had me ache for him. I felt my pussy--that was his word for down there--all wet, as if preparing for his cock.

  Oh, his cock! It did such amazing things. How that hard piece of flesh could fill me so completely, yet bump and rub against some secret spots inside me that lit me up like dry tinder on a bonfire. I just wanted to obey. God, I wanted to do
what he told me. I never...absolutely never...wanted to do what my parents demanded. Perhaps it was because they enforced their words with cruel verbal barbs or a biting belt. Cole, he reinforced his words with...pleasure. I didn't want the cork in my ass, but he'd fucked me with it in and it rubbed something. Somewhere. Oh!

  Where was Cole? I listened, but the house was quiet. I couldn't believe I'd fallen asleep. I'd just woken up only an hour ago. Why was fucking so exhausting? I couldn't help but giggle. I was worn out by pleasure. And the way Cole kept coming back for more, again and again, the way he said how much I pleased him, clearly he couldn't be denied. He used my body, took his pleasure from me, but in turn, made me feel...cherished, amazing...his.

  I sat up at the side of the bed, shifting forward to alleviate the pressure on the cork. Oh! I couldn't clench closed. But when I tried, there was a tingling, an empty need in my pussy. That place that he'd rubbed, touched pulsed with renewed need.

  And my breasts! I'd never seen them so obscenely displayed. This was how he wanted them? I had to admit, they were supported well and not at all uncomfortable, but they weren't covered! Cole liked it though, the way he gazed upon them, then quickly fucked me after.

  I shifted, a little sore from the times he'd taken me. My maidenhead was now gone--he'd pushed through without much gentleness, however he'd wrought great pleasure from my body soon after.

  This morning, I'd had to ... oh God. I covered my lips with my fingers, remembering the feel of his cock filling my mouth. I had no idea women even did things like that. But he'd liked it. The way his jaw had tightened, his hips had thrust, had been so eager to fill my mouth.

  I didn't know what would happen, but when he went in so far that I coughed and sputtered, he climaxed. I'd almost choked on his copious seed. The taste of him had been salty and musky and with him almost to the back of my throat, he'd given me no option but to swallow. It had been too much. He was too much. Overwhelming. I was to service him in that way every morning? I wasn't good at it. I'd tried to swallow it all, but I hadn't known it would come out in my mouth like it had. The sated expression on his face when I'd finished had settled my worry; I'd pleased him, even in my fumbling.

  I heard a quiet knock on the front door. Cole! I stood and dashed into the living room and saw Maura as she peeked her head around the doorway. I knew of her, saw her in the congregation at the wedding, but had never been formally introduced. I startled at the sight of her, realizing I was all but naked with Cole's seed down my thighs.

  "Get out! You don't belong here!" I tried to cover myself, but my hands couldn't cover everything. Mortification washed over me. Was everyone to see me undressed?

  "Cole is in the stable with his brothers and asked me to bring by some food for lunch," she murmured, averting her eyes, even though I knew she'd caught a glimpse of my body. She was older than I by about a decade, with blond hair pulled back into a bun. She was quite pretty, but she looked upset. Good, she should be.

  "That's right, you are the foreman's wife," I told her in my most superior tone, although it didn't have much gravitas as I was unclothed. "I'm in charge of this household now and you will leave."

  She didn't say more and pulled the door shut behind her. I sighed with relief, alone once again, not wanting her to see me this way. I was embarrassed and at a loss on how to express that. I found the small pile of clothes still upon the dining table. Unfolding the skirt, I stepped into it, slid it up my legs and buttoned it about my waist. I frowned at the lack of drawers. Donning the white blouse, I slipped one arm, then the other into the long sleeves. There were no buttons on the front, only two long panels that hung down to about my knees. I tried to ascertain how the front was closed, but after about five minutes of fumbling, I gave up, leaving the front open. I was covered better than before; it was a good start at the return of my modesty.

  With this reasonable amount of coverage, I felt ashamed at my harsh words to Maura. She hadn't earned my sharp tongue. I would have to apologize when I saw her next.

  In the kitchen, I found a covered plate of eggs, bacon and biscuits still warm on the top of the range, and I ate with relish. Cole's seed had filled me up, but I was still quite hungry. With nothing else to do, I wandered his – our - large house until he returned.

  Cole returned within the hour to find me reading a book. His large frame filled the doorway and I was once again amazed at how handsome my husband was. I remembered the feel of his hot skin, the callouses on his large palms, what he could do with his nimble fingers.

  "I see you've dressed," he murmured, his gaze raking over my body.

  I glanced down. "Oh, there's something wrong with this blouse. There aren't any buttons."

  He held out a hand and I took it, placing my book on the arm of the chair. Gently, he turned me around to face away from him. His large hands came around my body and grabbed the long panels that dangled down. He wrapped one, then the other, about my waist and I felt him fumbling with them at my back, securing them.

  "There. It buttons in the back."

  Turning me back around, he took in my blouse. So did I.

  "I'm sticking out!" What kind of garment was this?

  "Yes, I can see that and I'm enjoying it immensely. If I wasn't so hungry I'd fuck you again."

  I pursed my lips. "That's neither here nor there. I need a blouse!"

  He nodded toward me. "You're wearing your blouse. As you have clearly observed, your blouses will keep your breasts exposed. It's what married women wear."

  "My mother doesn't wear something like this."

  "Yes, she does."

  I froze, thinking. She'd always worn a white or colored blouse with a scarf of the same fabric about her neck, criss-crossed and buttoned behind her. "She's always modestly dressed. I've never seen her breasts exposed before."

  "You wouldn't. You were a child, then an unmarried woman."

  I placed a hand on his arm, the large muscles of his biceps clenching beneath. " want everyone to see me like this?" Is this what he desired? To share my breasts with others?

  "Not everyone will see you, but here on the ranch, yes."

  I bit my lip. "But why?"

  "Besides it being what a wife wears, it allows me to see your beautiful breasts at all times. I don't want anything in the way if I want to touch them. Pull on your nipples. Suck on them."

  I gasped. I couldn't help it. The mental image he wrought was very appealing.

  "Can't you do that here, in the house, in private?"

  Cole lifted my chin with his thumb, forcing me to look at him. "What's the matter, darlin'? The real issue, please, because you know you'll be exposed to others. Sam's already seen you."

  "I don't like my breasts," I whispered. There. I'd said it. I felt tears well in my eyes.

  "Oh, darlin'. They're sheer perfection. Why wouldn't you like them?" He ran a knuckle over my exposed flesh.

  " sister says they are obscene. Too large for a woman of my stature, that a man will find me grotesque and will only wish to copulate with me in the dark."

  He barked out a laugh. "Grotesque? Copulate in the dark?" His eyebrows went up.

  He was mocking me. "How dare you laugh at me!" I couldn't help the tears that slipped down my cheeks.

  "I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at what your sister said. Did we copulate in the dark when I took your maidenhead?"

  "Well, no."

  "Exactly. I couldn't wait any longer to fuck you. What about this morning, at the bar? That wasn't even in bed."

  I sniffed. That was true. "We don't copulate, darlin', we fuck. And you love it. Your sister's words weren't the only ones to make you feel this way about yourself. Who else hurt you?"

  I couldn't deny him my words. He wasn't cruel, only curious. Protective even. "My mother told me I was wanton and wicked to have breasts that would taunt a man. That's why she had me push everyone away."

  "You do have breasts that taunt a man. Me." He cupped my breasts in his large palms, r
an his thumbs gently over the tips as he spoke. "Only me. Even though others will see them, they're mine. I want you to show everyone your breasts. It pleases me for you to do so."

  "Really?" I eyed him speculatively, trying to focus on his words, not his thumbs.

  "Really." He nodded. "As for your mother, she's right about one thing."

  I arched a brow in question.

  "You are wanton and wicked."

  He pulled on my nipples in such a way that mixed pleasure with pain. "Oh?"

  "You like this?"

  My lids fell closed and I nodded.

  "Good. I want you wanton and wicked, Tessa. With me, you can be as decadent as you want."

  He dropped his hands, placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  My eyes fluttered open and I felt...lonely without his touch, even though he stood right in front of me.

  "All right?" he asked, voice full of concern.

  I swallowed back my tears, felt better for sharing my feelings. "For now."

  "It will take time, Tessa, to adjust. You just have to be honest with me. I will be truthful with you. Come, it is time for lunch." The discussion seemed to be over.

  I followed him into the kitchen as he looked about.

  "Where is the meal? Didn't Maura bring it over?"

  Oh dear. "She did, but...she surprised me and I told her to go."

  He arched one brow in silent question. "Did she, or did she not, say that I asked her to bring the food?"

  "She did."

  "Yet you sent her away."

  "Yes. But...but I was ashamed of my body and lashed out."

  "Hmm. That is something that we will have to work on. In the meantime, we will go to their house then. Let's go. I'm hungry."

  I just stood in the kitchen as he made it all the way to the front door and opened it before he realized I wasn't following.

  Again, a raised eyebrow. "Tessa," his voice grew deep. "You are the one that sent Maura away, so we must leave the house. I am hungry and we are going."

  "I'm not going," I countered, holding my ground. "Not like this." I wasn't ready for people to see me dressed like this. Cole may feel pride in displaying me to others, but I was not as eager to do so.