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Taming Tessa (Montana Maiden Series Book 2) Page 6

  Without saying a word, Cole came over to me, bent down and tossed me over his shoulder. He had the gall to carry me the distance to Grant and Maura's home as I kicked and screamed the whole way, not wanting anyone to see my breasts. Nothing I said or did would halt his movement. It wasn't until he'd knocked upon their door and entered was I lowered.

  It took me a moment to get my bearings after being upside down and when I did, Grant stood by the door. He was tall like Cole, but trimmer, lankier.

  "Grant, this is my wife Tessa. I believe you’ve already met."

  "Ma'am," he replied, although he wasn't smiling.

  "You've met his wife, Maura."

  Maura was in the kitchen, but turned to give Cole a smile, which slipped when she glanced at me.

  The sight made me ache inside, knowing my harsh words had made this woman think poorly of me. I'd been sharp tongued to people in the past and it hadn't bothered me before. Why now? I was so overwhelmed by Cole, by my body's reaction to him, what he expected me to do to him, my clothes. Everything. I was off kilter, like a chair with one leg too short, wobbly and unsure. And now I'd gone and made Cole mad and hurt Maura's feelings. In turn, I hadn't made a friend of Grant in the process.

  Maura carried a large soup tureen from the kitchen and placed it on the center of the table. The soup smelled delicious, but her attire distracted me. She was dressed very similarly to me, with an blouse identical to mine, cut to reveal her breasts. She'd only stuck her head around the door earlier. Had I let her in, I would have seen her wearing her blouse, seen her breasts exposed just like mine. Hers were noticeably smaller than mine, but the corset lifted her amply. Her nipples were large and extremely long, a darker shade of rose than mine. Having never seen another woman besides my sister unclothed, I had not imagined nipples to be so...ample.

  I surreptitiously glanced at my own breasts. They were much, much larger, obscenely so, pushed up as they were, but my nipples were much more demure.

  "Maura, it smells wonderful, and I apologize for barging in like this, especially after having you carry our meal to the house, and then back." With the last, Cole glanced at me, clearly waiting for me to apologize.

  "I am sorry, Maura, for being so unfriendly. I've found myself a little overwhelmed and I was not kind to you when I could have used a friend," I replied, contrite. If only I'd kept quiet, I'd have learned my breasts weren't the only ones to be exposed on the Bridger ranch.

  The woman gave me a soft smile and a nod and I was surprised by her easy forgiveness.

  "Not all women are as hurtful as your sister. In time, you will come to see that she was the exception, not the norm."

  I looked down at the wood floor during his chastisement. He was correct, but that didn't lessen the sting.

  "Thank you, darlin', for making things right with Maura. However, you have hurt the feelings of Grant's wife and you can not go unpunished for your behavior. You must remember that there are consequences to your words."

  "But--" I glanced up at Cole and quickly shut my mouth. Now was not the time to argue.

  "You are clearly too old for soap in your mouth. Instead, you will suck my cock until I am finished my lunch. It is the perfect way for you to remain quiet and learn to not speak out of turn."

  My jaw dropped, stunned by his words. I wasn't sure if I should be mortified or appalled. Perhaps both. "You want me to...what? Here?" I waved my arm. "With them in the room?"

  "This is their house. If you'd been kinder to Maura and let her in the door, we'd be eating a private meal right now. You chose this venue and by your behavior you've chosen to suck my cock instead of eating your lunch. Now get under the table."

  Cole sat down at the table, picked up his spoon. He looked to me expectantly. I glanced at Grant, whose hand rested upon his wife's on the table. Would I want Cole to defend and protect me in such a way if I'd been bullied by another woman? Would I want her to be chastised and punished, just like me? Oh God, I would. I had to make this right.

  I took a deep breath and lowered to my knees, crawling beneath the table to kneel in front of Cole. It was dark and sheltered under the table; Grant and Maura could no longer see me. I undid Cole's pants and pulled his cock free. It was so big! Was it always like this? So hot to the touch, with veins pulsing along the length? Would he taste the same, feel the same against my tongue?

  "Tessa, be sure to work my cock to the back of your throat as I instructed this morning," he told me, his voice muffled slightly from the table.

  Taking a deep breath, I lowered my head and thought about everything Cole taught me only hours before; licking the broad head, running my tongue over the long shaft, then taking it deep. He'd wanted me to take it all, filling my mouth and into my throat. He was too big and his size made me gag. I couldn't help it. His copious seed had surprised me and it had overflowed. I hadn't been able to swallow it fast enough.

  I had to try again, to get better. I licked the head like a candy sucker. This time the small hole oozed a clear liquid that coated my tongue. Salty and musky flavored, just like earlier. I took his cock into my mouth, working it in and out. I didn't know what I was doing and he wasn't shifting his hips like he had earlier to dictate his pleasure. I lowered my head down slowly, filling my mouth with his cock, further and further until I hit that spot that made my eyes water, that made me lose my breath. I retreated, then tried again. I couldn't get it in all the way! Tears sprang to my eyes at how my mouth was crammed full and he wanted me to take even more. It was impossible!

  As I continued to work him into the back of my throat, I heard voices above the table. They were conversing as if I weren't there instead of sucking my husband's cock! This was the punishment; being ignored instead of conversing with them. I should be sitting with them, chatting amiably about being newly married, the weather. Anything. But no, I'd had to hurt Maura's feelings. I felt ashamed.

  I continued for five, ten minutes; I lost track of time. There'd been no change in Cole's cock. My mouth was tiring and I was exhausted from the lapses in my breathing. His cock was still thick, the head still broad and flaring, the length more than I could fit in my mouth. Liquid hadn't gushed from the end like it had before. My eyes filled in frustration.

  I had no idea how to get his seed to come out. I couldn't befriend Maura. I didn't know how to talk to other women, how to be nice. I'd had no kind example, only my older sister whose sole purpose before marriage had been to torture me. Even my mother sided with Henrietta. Nothing I ever did was right. Tears rushed hotly down my cheeks, but I could do nothing about them.

  Cole's hand in my hair surprised me from my depressing thoughts. It was a gentle caress, soft and for some reason, reassuring. How did he know I was upset? Even in punishment, he was reassuring me. I sucked my cheeks in, pulling on his hard length and I felt his hand clench in my hair. He wasn't unaffected! This gave me some motivation, knowing I could arouse my husband. Soon enough, he put pressure on my scalp, lowering me even further onto his cock. I couldn't pull back. His hold was too tight. I squirmed, cried out but I was stuffed full. Even though I knew he liked my ministrations, I couldn't breathe. Just as I was beginning to panic that I'd never get air again, I felt that thick rush of his seed. I swallowed convulsively, trying to take it all. His flavor coated my tongue, washed down my throat. Finally, finally, he released me and lifted my head from his spent cock. I took deep breaths of air.

  Cole carefully slid his chair back enough to put himself back in his pants, then even further to stand up. He bent down and held out a hand to me and I crawled out from beneath the table. I couldn't meet his eye nor our hosts’ as I wiped frantically at his seed that had dribbled down my chin and onto the tops of my exposed breasts.

  "Leave it, please. I like seeing my seed upon you." He tilted my face up to look at him. "You did well, Tessa, taking your punishment. You are also very good at sucking cock."

  I felt my cheeks flush at his immodest words, but relieved knowing I'd pleased him. I chanced a glance up
at him, all disappointment I'd seen earlier was gone, replaced by a sated expression. Turning, I faced Grant and Maura. I must have looked a sight - mottled face from crying, seed dripping down my chin, thrusting breasts. "Thank you for having me in your home. Maura, I apologize for being unkind earlier. I look forward to you stopping by again."

  "Perhaps tomorrow? I'm sure you may have some questions only another woman might be able to answer," Maura offered, her smile kind. I was taken aback by her consideration.

  "Really?" I asked, completely surprised. Why would she want to be friends with me?

  "Yes, really."

  "I'd like that." I smiled. It felt good.

  Cole tilted my chin up so I met his dark gaze. "Good girl."

  Why did his soft tone, his gentle words make me feel better? I should have hated him, hated them all for letting him do that to me, but I didn't. Somehow the punishment cleansed me of my wrongdoing, and it certainly would be a reminder to be cautious with my words in the future.



  Eating lunch and holding a conversation with Grant and Maura while having my cock sucked was not as easy as I'd thought. I was thankful to Grant for understanding my lapses in conversation and most likely the glazed look of pleasure I had toward the end. Tessa's lack of skill was carnal and erotic enough to have me coming so hard. She'd tried again and again to take me all the way in, but struggled. Her tongue had licked and sucked at me in a most endearing way.

  Tessa had needed to be punished for her actions toward Maura; she must learn that a sharp tongue would not be allowed and would be quickly disciplined. I had no doubt she'd acquired this trait from her family who seemed to excel at targeting the weakness in others. An apology would have sufficed, but I doubted Tessa would recognize the value in her actions without a true punishment.

  Based on what I knew about Tessa's upbringing and what she'd told me thus far, her parents were fairly ruthless and extremely liberal with their corporal punishment. This clearly meant spanking her would be lumping me in with her parents, at least from her viewpoint. Therefore, I'd had to think quickly for an alternative, something that would teach her a lesson without beating her. I didn't want to hurt her, either emotionally or physically, but instead to have her flourish. She needed to come to trust me, to see that while strict, I would protect her and cherish her. That's why I combined praise along with her punishment. The way she took it without complaint made me proud.

  "I don't understand," Tessa said as we neared the porch. During our five minute walk back to our house, I'd stared at her breasts, those voluptuous mounds capped with bright pink tips. They were going to be a constant distraction, especially with my seed drying on them as they were now. I was hard, probably a permanent state around her from now on. She was more than I could hope for.

  "If it's about your punishment--"

  "No," she said, cutting me off. "I...I understand the reasoning for it, and I thank you for not hitting me." She licked her lips and furrowed her brow. "But, I wonder, why was Maura nice to me?"

  I'd been correct that she would not tolerate a spanking, but I frowned at her question. "She's nice to everyone. Why shouldn't she be nice to you?"

  "I'd been unkind to her. She should hate me."

  Tessa was truly confused, and that made my fists clench in anger at her parents. I took a deep breath and relaxed in the hopes of showing a calm demeanor. "I'm sure she understands some of the things you're going through in your transition to being my wife. She's been through it herself. She's even been punished a time or two over the years. Do you think everyone should hate you?" I stopped and looked down at her, brushing her hair back from her face. It seemed to always be in a tangle.

  She gave a small shrug, which lifted her breasts up. I shifted my cock in my pants. "Well, yes. I'm...I'm not a very nice person, it seems, so why shouldn't they?"

  "I like you. Very much. Tessa, darlin', you please me greatly."

  "But how?" she sputtered.

  Oh, the poor woman. Leaning down, I gave her a simple kiss, rested my forehead against hers and ran my hand over my dried seed on her breast. "By being you. I like you just the way you are. All right," I added, when she opened her mouth, "you need to be more thoughtful with your words, but you learned your lesson."

  "Yes, Cole," she replied. "I have."

  "Did you know my cock's hard again?"

  She tilted her head back so she could look at me, then dropped her gaze. "Really?"

  I chuckled, placed her hand over the front of my pants so she could feel it. "You make me so hot Tessa, especially looking at you like this with my seed splattered across your beautiful breasts."

  "But I can't swallow it all."

  "Hey," I said, when her voice sounded disappointed. "You'll learn. It takes time and I assure you I will enjoy your practice. "

  Tessa gave me a small smile and her small hand squeezed my cock. I couldn't help but hiss out a breath.

  "Oh," she replied. "Did I hurt you?"

  I shook my head slowly. "On the contrary, darlin'."

  "Oh!" she replied again, this time with a small grin.

  "There's my girl."

  I reached up and tucked a wayward curl behind her ear. It seemed her hair was as wild as she was. "Your parents, they put these crazy notions in your head, didn't they?"

  Tessa nodded in confirmation, her smile slipping, her hand leaving my cock. "And my older sister. She's a complete witch."

  "Ah," I replied, learning even more. Henrietta Bowers, now Henrietta Johnston, was several years older than Tessa and I had only met her once, and that time just in passing. I'd heard her husband had a very lengthy training period with his new bride. Perhaps Tessa only knew rudeness because kindness had never been shown. It seemed it was my job to teach her even more than just meeting my needs.

  The sound of a wagon ended our conversation. Tessa held a hand up to her forehead to shield her eyes. "Oh dear," she whispered, her shoulders drooping.

  It seemed speaking of Tessa's sister conjured her up, along with her mother. They rode together, a trunk in the wagon behind their bench seat. Pulling the reins, Mrs. Bowers stopped the horses in front of us.

  I had no choice but to help both ladies down.

  "Well," Mrs. Bowers said, glaring at Tessa. "Married a day and problems already."

  Henrietta moved to stand beside her mother, their looks very similar, both with fair hair, equally pinched expressions and similar rounded shape. Tessa's dark hair and lush curves were quite a contrast.

  "Hello, Mother, Henrietta," Tessa murmured.

  "It's a fine day for a ride, Mrs. Bowers," I added.

  "It is," she replied, staring imperiously at her younger daughter. "We brought Tessa's trunk for you."

  "That's a mighty fine gesture and a long way to come." I reached into the back and lifted the trunk off the wagon and placed it on the ground.

  "I told you she would be obscene," Henrietta hissed, staring unabashed at Tessa's breasts.

  "Why do you have seed upon you like that?" Mrs. Bowers asked. "Really, Tessa, didn't I tell you anything yesterday? Are you refusing him?"

  Tessa flushed bright red. "Mother, please."

  Mrs. Bowers shook her head. "Well?"

  Tessa squirmed while Henrietta preened, pleased with her sister's scolding.

  "I am not refusing him," Tessa lifted her chin. "In fact, Mr. Bridger has said he's quite pleased with me."

  Mrs. Bowers sour face turned to me in question as I returned to Tessa's side, pulled her in close.

  "I am surprised I can still walk with my need for her so evident," I replied, not daunted they would see my cock pressing against the front of my pants. I wanted my wife. I was not going to hide that fact nor tolerate their behavior. It was time to make them uncomfortable.

  Both women stared down at my cock, which, until they arrived, was being fondled by my wife.

  "But her breasts!" Henrietta sputtered. Both she and her mother were modestly covered
with the wraparound scarf. Thankfully. Their breasts were not a sight I wished to see.

  I ran my hand over Tessa's breast, thumbed a nipple and a small sigh escaped her lips. "Yes, they're amazing, aren't they? I can't seem to get enough of them, as you can clearly tell." I brushed my finger over the dried seed.

  "There's something wrong with you," Henrietta scolded me.

  "You may belittle me as you wish, but you may not speak like that to my husband," Tessa replied, her voice icy cold. She took my hand and placed it firmly on her breast. "Doesn't your husband desire you enough to cover you in his seed?" Tessa stared fiercely at her sister, then looked up at me with a heated gaze. Gone was the cowering woman.

  I looked at Tessa's family, one eyebrow raised, a satisfied smirk on my face, my palm kneading her firm flesh.

  Mrs. Bowers and Henrietta's mouths fell open. "Well, I never," breathed Mrs. Bowers.

  Tessa turned her head briefly. "Yes, mother, clearly you've never...well, never pleased your husband? And you, Henrietta? Outraged by my breasts being exposed in front of my home? In the view of my husband, who's said he is more than satisfied with them. I am only doing his bidding." Looking up at me, she added, "I believe you are in need of my services?"

  My cock couldn't get any harder. "Yes, wife. I certainly am." I tugged Tessa over to the hitching rail in front of the porch, gently placed her hands upon the weathered wood. "I'm going to fuck my wife now. I'm sure you can find your way home." I turned my back on my mother- and sister-in-law who were hissing like two wet cats.

  I had every intention of fucking Tessa, but not with an audience. Leaning over Tessa's back, I whispered in her ear, feathering kisses on the outer shell as I did so. "I'm so proud of you, darlin'. As soon as they're gone, I'm going to show you how much you please me."

  She arched her back into my belly. "Yes, Cole."

  The wagon rolled away, the horses hooves plodding against the summer grass. I caressed Tessa's breasts that hung down, cupping them and brushing my thumbs over the nipples. As I waited for the sound of the wagon to dissipate, I murmured to my wife. "So beautiful. I love your breasts. Just the way they are. I love seeing them. You saw what it does to me. Now you're going to receive your reward."